Saturday, December 29, 2007

Carl Assists Errant Reindeer

The Carl was employed to assist errant reindeer in returning home during Christmas. Here we see Tankarific Carl pausing for a chat with the confused, yet cordial reindeer. Since getting lost is part of possessing a strong sense of Carl, Tankarific expressed his empathy and understanding of the predicament in which the reindeer found themselves. The reindeer were seen to exchange concerned glances, perhaps expressing their doubt that someone who can't find his way for his own purposes could help them get home.

In related news, Tankarific also helped a mutated reindeer locate lost gifts. The mutant, who went by the name of "Rudy", spent much of the journey lamenting the lack of acceptance he was experiencing from his peers as a result of his unusual proboscis. While happy to assist in whatever way he could, Tankarific stood clear of the glowing nose for fear of radioactive contamination.

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