Monday, June 16, 2008

Profiles - Healing Carl

Name: Healing Carl
Height: Tiny. Very tiny.
Armor: Varies, but usually she wears the nice set the Dwarves made for her, dyed a nice pink.
Hairstyle: coiled buns.
Dependents: Many mini pets, the rest of the Carls.

Turn-ons: Cathedral of Flame runs. Where she doesn't have to do anything. Getting lost. Masters on missions.

Turn-offs: excessive chatting during missions and quests. Someone in the party dieing. Warriors who run too fast.

Usually seen in the company of: filthy Minkeys.

Notable quotes:
"Shawn, where are you going?"
"I need running shoes."
"I'm lost."
"I'm confused."

She who helms this avatar: Sharon


Shari said...

I believe Shawn and I are sufficiently dependent that you should be allowed to claim us on your income tax forms. ;-)

Also, I'm pretty sure one of your chick's turn-ons should be excessive bodily tattooing given what she looks like in one of her outfits.

Sharon said...

But she rarely wears that one. In fact, she only wears that one when she has to for working cathedral of flames runs.

And really, tattoos are just so ordinary. You can't dye them colors that get a comment like "It's pink. Very pink." :-)