Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fashionable Carl

For the fashionable Carl, there are many options available, from the elegant to the frightening, something can be found for all.

For the elegant Mesmerizing Carl, The Granite Citadel, buried in the Southern Shiverpeaks of Tyria, was well worth the fight to get there there. Dyed a lovely burgundy, it is perfect for everyday wear.

She also found the effort to get the snooty Asurans to like her well enough to craft this elegant gown highly worthwhile. The yellow highlights stand out, and make this the perfect wear for hobnobbing with the dignitaries who are constantly begging Carls for help.
For those with a slightly more risque taste, like Tempermental Carl, there is the Krytan style. Found in Cantha in a small shop hidden away on Bukdek Byway, it is heavily guarded by knights who wish only their own ladies to have access to such an enticing outfit. Dyed a lovely silver, this gown practically glows, making it all the more distracting when fighting those Jade Brotherhood knights, and Am Fah assassins.
However, even Tempermental knows that wandering around in that outfit in the snow was just asking for frostbite, so she hunted enough creatures for the Norn seamstresses to find her acceptable so they would create for her this lovely fur-lined outfit, which is both warm and fashionable.
When Tempermental realized that the blinding glow of her Krytan outfit would occasionally also blind the henchmen she hired to do the heavy work, she decided to find something just as distracting to the enemy, but with more color. After searching mightily, she discovered in the outpost called Eye of the North a tailor who crafted this lovely yellow vision.

Confused Carl was after a very different look, although strangely enough, she found it in the same places Mesmerizing found her elegant gowns. For those times when she was going to be surrounded by minions (who really are quite messy) she wanted something a bit more protective than the usual. In the Granite Citadel, she discovered just what she wanted. Highly protective, and easily cleaned of bits of "jerky" aka her minions, she was quite content with this outfit for everyday use.

However, in her wanderings, she discovered something a little more fashionable and still to her strange taste. The Asurans created for her this unique outfit, which she promptly decided was her new everyday wear. Although her first outfit still resides in her closet, it only comes out when the heaviest of battles will be going on.
There is something for everyone, though getting to where you can get what you want can be difficult. For the truly fashion conscious however, no effort is too great.


Shari said...

Lovely. :-) I'm surprised that Diabolic didn't take his turn on the runway for contrast. Mesmerizing looks lovely though she does bring to mind a tulip. ;-)

Bravo on your first post!

Sharon said...

Now, this was the fashionable version. Next time I'll try to alternate looks. It got a tad longer than I thought, because, frankly, I hate the way blogger does pictures.

Shawn said...

Don't we all... ;) We'll have to start a Carl fashion parade!

Shari said...

I've found the best way to cope with it is to organize your series of pictures before you do the article. I number the pictures and load them in from last to first backwards then write around them.