Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Where's Carl?

This is the Carl you have to find. Find hiiiiiiiiim!

There's only one thing more fun than playing "Where's Waldo" and that's playing "Where's Carl?" Well, actually , that's a lie. There are a lot of things more fun than playing "Where's Waldo?"

Take a gander at the picture posted atop this particular line of text and try to locate the Carl hidden within. You'll need a sharp eye. Take a deep breath, focus on your inner Carl, aaaaaand GO!


Okay, if your sense of Carl is too anemic to locate him, look at yon picture and get a hint about his general location.


While his cohorts are knocked flat on their asses, the Carl stands strong and offers you a general hint of his locale.


If you still can't find him, you seriously need to work on developing your Carl. The answer appears below.


"Where's Carl" is not affiliated with the makers of "Where's Waldo (or Wally)" in any way. In fact, the makers of "Where's Carl" would prefer not to be on the same plane of reality as the fellows who invented "Where's Waldo" but it's not like we have a choice.

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